About your Coach

Mehnaz Amjad MBA,PMP,SHRM-SCP Coach,CBT practitioner

Location : Hyderabad ,Telangana ,India

About Me 

I'm Mehnaz Amjad, a believer by heart and an ardent nature lover.

Why did I choose to be a Coach? 

  After more than a decade of corporate experience, when I encountered difficult bosses, clients, and office politics, being unaware and isolated, I succumbed to my crisis and derailed my career, at the lowest point in my career trajectory all I would seek was "Is there a way I can find a way out of the mess I was in" but found no help, not because it was not available, but because it was available but I was not aware, nor did I realize the long term consequence of it.

      But when I found light at the end of the tunnel and was supported leading to tremendous growth, I decided to make it a mission to help anyone going through what I've been through.

 So that anyone in a similar situation to mine does not have to succumb to workspace challenges, and feel stuck, instead learn the most effective coping mechanisms and find their way out.

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Early years

It was a cold foggy morning in Oct 1983, when two and a half year toddler entered the Montessori School of Children at Tarapoorwala, & precisely two decades later ​in Oct 2003, she successfully completed her MBA from OU Osmani​a University.

    From a toddler to early youth, my life's journey worked in a perfectly linear path, an experience that made me believe that Life works in a systematic sequential linear way! 

My personal growth journey began, when life actually happened, crisis struck, and the path derailed at many junctures of life, teaching me the most valuable lessons of life.

​Family background 

   ​Hailing from a family of academicians, ​now retired, ​both my parents were professors in the faculty of Arts, & I was the first woman, in my family to pursue management studies and also work in a corporate establishment.

Corporate life

    If at one end, I was fortunate enough to have worked with the top executive leadership, on the other end, it was a very challenging journey, an experience filled with, dealing with office politics, toxic bosses, favoritism, racism, gender bias, to being laid off twice despite the best performances delivered. 

 The naive and introverted me, remained at the receiving end of numerous battles fought between leaders, as a pawn used mercilessly in the game of power, and for many years, I stayed caught up, between my need to earn my livelihood and the workplace issues, as I lack any knowhow about finding a way out of the conundrum. 

   Deeply into a vicious circle of stress and confusion, the trauma of being humiliated in the garb of performance appraisal shook me to the core, but unfortunately, not only did I lack good leaders but a support system from which I could seek help.

       Almost ten years into my working life, I never knew a profession called Coaching existed on planet Earth, and that I could have easily saved myself from a lot of pain and agony by having sought the help of a coach, which I eventually did but only after ten years of toil and hardships.

    The number of accolades, medals, certifications, and back-to-back promotions I've received in my professional life may contradict my notion of the corporate world, but I credit my work success to my indomitable spirit and my sincere contribution towards, every project, and role I undertook and gave my best to it.

The turning point 

     Dec 2013 was the year when I lost my uncle, his untimely demise had a deeply profound effect on my mind, and body already suffering from bouts of extreme anxiety and vertigo, in addition, I was unemployed, in debt, and frantically in search of a job, after a long hiatus, my job search landed me on the beautiful landscape of Scandinavian countries, but as the wise say, appearances are deceptive, so was the role and the job.

An extremely complicated project was delivered successfully despite all odds, but as a result, led me, to, lose my job exactly the day after its successful launch.

 On a personal front, in a span of seven years, from the year 2015 to 2022, I lost major members of our family, both from the paternal and maternal sides respectively, including my father.  

   I could not fathom this complicated experience, should I call this phase, a coincidence of several unfortunate events or a grave tragedy?  

I think I'm still in search of a better explanation for my traumatic experiences.

The constant experience of dealing with death at such close quarters brought a transformational change in me, especially impacting my mindset.

Amidst the search for meaning in the finality of life, I ended up learning the right way of appreciating life, the end of so many stories, and chapters taught me the very meaning of being present, finding joy in little precious moments, and a deep connection with my creator, along with life skills of acceptance, surrender, and submission.

A Mysterious Connection & Transgenerational Trauma

  Even though I have never seen her, I have an uncanny resemblance to my grandmother in appearance and a few surreal experiences, especially at times when I've visited palaces and places of the bygone era, my grandmother holds her lineage from a royal family.  I do not believe in rebirth but some part of my genes seems to hold a lot of trauma and unexplained connections of her still alive in me, which keep manifesting in my life on various occasions. 

"Being personally affected by transgenerational trauma from both my paternal and maternal lines has profoundly shaped my expertise in assisting others in their healing journeys. 

My own life has been marked by deeply ingrained trauma narratives that persist in the present, and my extensive work over the years to break these patterns and achieve healing has provided invaluable insights and a unique perspective to guide and support others on their path to recovery.

Entrepreneur turned into a caregiver ​

  After having lost my job despite my best performances, I finally, decided to stop wasting my efforts and energy on people and organizations that no longer serve me and bid goodbye to the corporate world, with a firm determination to contribute from the expertise, accumulated through my work experience, and thus established Guide and Advice, in Sept 2017. 

  While I was still buried deep in the completion of my Life Coaching certification from ICF,  my father suffered his first heart attack, due to his poor health he had to quit his job, which left him more depressed, lonely, and completely sick of his own dependent life, as his caregiver, with my coaching business in its nascent stage, I suddenly found myself into a world of extreme overwhelm, hardship with the responsibilities beyond my capacity to bear.

After four years in the coaching business, my father's passing on May 12, 2021, bestowed upon me a legacy of resilience and a profound comprehension of the complexities of the human mind, emotions, grief, and trauma. 

This experience provided me with first-hand knowledge of effectively navigating these challenges.

My coaching clients 

    In the most challenging phase of life, my clients reposed trust in me they not only enrolled for my coaching but gave me permission and access to the most sacred areas of their lives, allowing me to partake in the transformational journies, that I undertook with so many of them. 

Present day and counting ...

The power of coaching is quite underestimated, and not many are aware that (the support) sought through coaching can empower you in unimaginable ways. 

I stand both as a witness and an expert in reaping the benefits of it when I choose to invest in my Coach!

I believe, If I can so can you!

So connect and get coached, you are just one click away from transforming your life for the better.   



Certified CBT Cognitive Behavior Practitioner 

Certified Life Coach